Son of powerful Ted Montague (Brian Dennehy), a bitter enemy of the Capulets, Romeo runs with a gang that includes drag-queen extraordinaire Mercutio (Harold Perrineau). Straight out of a Sergio Leone epic, smoldering John Leguizamo personifies the rabid killer Tybalt, a macho Capulet whose hatred of Romeo escalates with fatal results. A powerful message emerges from an earlier humorous device, which describes the film’s scheme as a whole. Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes play the famous lovers kept apart by rival industrialist families. This ambitious undertaking, adapting William Shakespeare's classic tale of star-crossed lovers and setting the story in a glossy music-video style in 1990s Florida. Listen to trailer music, OST, original score, and the full list of popular songs in the film.

Synopsis: This ambitious undertaking, adapting William Shakespeares classic tale of star-crossed lovers and setting the story in a glossy music-video style in 1990s Florida. The Red Curtain Trilogy Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet. Find all 17 songs in Romeo + Juliet Soundtrack, with scene descriptions. Original title: Williams Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet. Romeo (Leonardo DiCaprio), who knocks around with his fellow Montagues, sees Juliet (Claire Danes) at a dance and falls immediately in love. Shakespeare’s timeless tragedy of star-crossed lovers is adapted for this modern day interpretation set in Verona Beachwith a new score so commanding, it personifies the emotions of this tragic tale to immeasurable heights. Still, the film’s iconographic treatment of handguns turns into harsh reality. Romeo + Juliet is a film directed by Baz Luhrmann with Leonardo DiCaprio, Claire Danes, Pete Postlethwaite, Harold Perrineau. DiCaprio is likewise called upon to swing willy-nilly between pure love and primal hatred, and he handles both well.ĭanes and DiCaprio’s potent chemistry takes over the movie in welcome relief to Luhrmann’s subtext-heavy assemblage of Christian and gunfighter town imagery. /rebates/2fip2fRomeo-Juliet-Music-Edition-1996-DVD2f5412519&. In the garish ball scene, on the balcony (and in the pool), but particularly in the hardship scenes, Danes is a formidable talent with breathtaking good looks. Image of Romeo + Juliet for fans of Romeo and Juliet 5125541. Both are ultragorgeous in the Latin-flavored decor and costumes, but more importantly they pull off the film’s tricky maneuver of using Elizabethan stage dialogue in a world of guns and cars and overnight delivery services.ĭanes is so strong as Juliet there’s a chance she’ll be remembered come awards time. Racing through much of the family-rivalry material in chaotic montages of ”fair Verona,” the film delivers memorable renderings of the central story’s most famous moments, while leads Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes are superb.